Shane Henare Earthworks - Earthworks, Earthmoving, Taranaki, New Plymouth

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Shane Henare Earthworks - Earthworks, Earthmoving, Taranaki, New Plymouth
Shane Henare Earthworks - Earthworks, Earthmoving, Taranaki, New Plymouth
Shane Henare Earthworks - Earthworks, Earthmoving, Taranaki, New Plymouth


What a legend this guy is, short notice, rocks out & helps us out with a big digger to remove a substantial size section of concrete, in the rain, did it all at no cost to our club, Brilliant!

Thanks Shane Henare Earthworks, show this guy some support if you need any earthworks done.

Shane Henare Earthworks - Earthworks, Earthmoving, Taranaki, New Plymouth
Nigel Dixon